My dream of getting my masters in neuropsychology will have to wait.

Psychology, my dear passion, please believe that we will still be spending valuable time together. It will just be on a more casual basis, with more flexibility to how I utilise your power.. I will complete you. I type these words with such confliction because although I'm massively disappointed in myself for putting my last module off a year..... And (and sadly, most probably the one I'm currently on because I'm almost 100% certain I'm either going to fail it or get such a bad level 4 pass - I won't want the points anyway- because it's going to negatively affect my final degree grade that much and once the points get banked, I'm pretty much stuck with it!!! So I've cancelled my up and coming module with the open university.. Which could have been my last one... But this has to be done and although I am disappointed, I'm so relieved I finally made the decision. It had been a hard one to make the past 2 weeks.. And although I know someone very close ...