Freedom of speech online? Cognitive dissonance prevents it.

There is honestly no freedom of speech ever online and living in a world where most people are constantly in a haze of cognitive dissonance - it's really hard to ever have a geniene deep conversation without them triggering and looking at you like you should be detained by the mental health act. It's honestly draining my very energy, I just want to be able to express my views and waccy opinions without the need to try and filter it. But it's always been like this - even when I was younger, there were often times where the moment (and the people within it) would have a negative response due to what I had done, or what I had said.... The massive 'why are we all here and what is life' would sadly be met with statements of denial or that I shouldn't be asking it, that 'it is what it is, and please stop saying it because its weird'. It seems my whole life, my family would observe me as the odd one out.. But I quickly realised that while people would get trigg...