
Showing posts from September, 2021

Stop giving me your jibberjab 🤣

What an amazing 4 weekends we've just managed to have, one after the other..(its somewhat crazy to think this post has taken me 4/5 weeks, but oh well..) 💓💓💓💓 Addmitenly being refused entry into pleasures a couple of weeks ago on a Friday night was a bit of a bitch slap in the face but hey ho... It is what it is... (What's causing me more distress - is that I was only telling people on our other social media platforms that our clubs will never bring in these policies regarding the vaccine passports a mere few Months ago... Like 90 days... I was making statements which basically contained this..  "The vanilla places will go along with government policy and laws, the pubs and all the nightclubs will have to go along with it all but our smaller sex clubs will be fine.. We won't need to be vaccinated on order to carry on enjoying life, we don't be indirectly forced or blackmailed. It will be fine.. " Oh wow.. I was wrong, we were both wrong.. ((anythough we wo...