Stop giving me your jibberjab 🤣

What an amazing 4 weekends we've just managed to have, one after the other..(its somewhat crazy to think this post has taken me 4/5 weeks, but oh well..) 💓💓💓💓

Addmitenly being refused entry into pleasures a couple of weeks ago on a Friday night was a bit of a bitch slap in the face but hey ho... It is what it is...

(What's causing me more distress - is that I was only telling people on our other social media platforms that our clubs will never bring in these policies regarding the vaccine passports a mere few Months ago... Like 90 days... I was making statements which basically contained this.. 

"The vanilla places will go along with government policy and laws, the pubs and all the nightclubs will have to go along with it all but our smaller sex clubs will be fine.. We won't need to be vaccinated on order to carry on enjoying life, we don't be indirectly forced or blackmailed. It will be fine.. "

Oh wow.. I was wrong, we were both wrong.. ((anythough we would like to add, the majority of the clubs down here in Kent, those in London, the midlands and up north - the majority are only needing a strict covid test done in the past 24 hours... So possibly, just possibly this new Law which is due to change in September May not affect the scene that much.. Just possibly..)) 

All this drama and dress over a vaccine that not only doesn't stop you passing it on, or getting it, or testing positive... Of course you won't get severely ill, which is a major postive (no pun intended there 🤣🤣) So there me and Paul stand, all dressed up in the hall way at pleasures, with our entry money in one hand, only to be told we can't get in unless we show our vaccination status - either on the app, or have the card to show... (maybe they should have laminated them 🙄😂, due to the sheer amount that people use them lol) 

So yes, we're pretty sure it says it clearly on the pleasures website but just wasn't expecting it so soon.

A vaccine that basically still allows you to pass it on - and still get it yourself, yet your allowed to do all these awesome things - but only if you have it..

When it stop? So the educational system is saying students won't be allowed to stay on campus unless they are vaccinated, and clubs (vanilla night clubs and the swinging ones that we love) are preventing the  unvaccinated from entry.. So are festivals and cinemas.. Is it going to go as far as supermarkets.. And slowly starving those who are merely questioning a vaccine that took 15 months to produce and test, when the average one takes 5-7 years? (the one for polio that some gaslight me with took 30 years. 30 years.. Not 15 months) 

It's somewhat disturbing that people keep gaslighting me with the statement of 'trust the science'.. And 'these experts know what they're doing.. Trust them'.

The important thing here to remember is I do believe in science. Psychology is a science and a very important one at that...although many would beg to differ about that. But logically the study of human behavior is pretty needed in regards to learning more about ourselves.. Yet I'm having to try and explain to people in real life - and online that blackmail isn't subjective.. That there's a meaning for it in the dictionary, yet so many people come at me from their silly cognitive dissonance fueled views and say... 'no it's not blackmail, it's not. It's just being done to keep us all safe and well. So we can finally beat covid'... OK I say.. But deep, deep down I'm screaming.. I mean, how can anyone logically tell me that it's not blackmail.. Is beyond me..

I mean that's the key word here isn't it - 'status'..The same with social economical status, it's terminology used to explain how poor people are different from the rich.. And how the class that we are  in can predetermine our health, our mental health and how well we will do. Its basically all boxes, labels and different classifications designed to explain stuff.. Or how I see it - create difference and stigma.. We all want to belong to a group.. And those who don't fit in with our group, make us uncomfortable.. And that's usually down to the fact that we are so judgemental, so close minded- that all of that crap matters..

When at the end of the day, we all die with the clothes on our back and we can only take the clothes on our back to the grave..

We had spent the best part of an hour getting ready, and flapping thinking of that to wear (and then find it) only to have been turned away..

Me and Paul were having a shower at a festival last weekend and we were having a wonderfully deep conversation regarding this whole situation and it occurred to me... 'will it take 3 years to completely ericate covid, like it did with polio?' 

Paul did say to me a few months ago.

This is a Facebook post I put up around 2 months ago and was honestly relieved at the sheer amount of interactions I had as a result of it.. The majority did message me direct, which suggests heavily that this social excursion is pushing a lot of people to remain quiet. (again its indirect control - through fear of being judged) 

The Facebook Post..... 

Most of you know I always say what I think and especially regarding the situation we're in atm. But what your about to read isn't opinion or false information.. Its basically all facts. 

I'm not 'antivax'... This expression just causes devide..

Both my boys had all their immunisations when they were younger so surely this terminology of 'antivax' isn't correct anyway? 

Out of all the vaccines I have had in my life....tetanus, small pox, measles, polio, meningitis, TB, etc... I have never seen so much wishy washi-ness over a vaccine that says I have to wear a mask and socially distance even when fully vaccinated. That I could still contract or spread the virus even when fully vaccinated, never been bribed by establishments to take the vaccine in order to win a car and/or cash prizes. I was never judged if I didn't take it. I was never discriminated for travel or other regular services.  The vaccines I listed above never told me I was a bad person for not taking it.....or taking it for that matter. 

I have never seen a vaccine that threatened the relationship between a family member and/or a close friend.  Never seen it used for political gain. Never seen it used to persuade kids in favor of free ice cream. Or hear a radio presenter say... 'to be entered into a prize draw for a 5 star hoilday - all you need to do is get vaccinated'. 

I have never seen a vaccine that I had to worry about mix and matching and yet told it's ok to do it one day and then told the next day to not do it...then on and off, on and off again and again. 

I have never seen a vaccine that threaten someone's livelihood, job, school etc. To be told you can't go to a club or festival is blackmail.. The sheer amount of times I've had to explain the definition of blackmail is just crazy. Surely blackmail isn't subjective, yet I've seen so much cognitive dissonance surrounding it.. I almost can't get it? 

Yes science has evolved and has learned so much. But also has the pharmaceutical companies... And they have also learned how to make money too. 

And it will always continue to do so.

But please remember there were advertising campaigns to advise pregnant women that smoking while pregnant was OK. That leaving your baby to cry themselves to sleep was good. We now know that the sheer amount of cortisol that will be released if you do that will increase that child's risk of mental health problems - like addiction by 60%....

I have never seen a vaccine that allows a 12 year old's consent supersede his/her parent's consent (that one alone blows me away). 

So, after all I have said can someone tell me how on God's green earth I am a conspiracy theorist, uneducated, non researched, not following the “science” for not willing to take this vaccine UNTIL the clinical trials are over at least two years from now?? (2 years is a long time to keep having nightmares because my kids are doing to be forced) or I'm going to be pressured by the educational system.

Finally, after all the vaccines (shots) I listed above, I have never seen a vaccine like this one that discriminates, divides and judges a society such as this one.

I've been studying psychology for just under a decade and behavioral psychology is something I'm very passionate about and to be watching the entire would become condioned within 18 months is just scary. We know that humans and animals are similar when it comes to attachment, imprinting and learning.. But to think it took longer to train monkey's and rats (thousands of studies of postive and negative reinforcements to train them) - I'm unbelievably concerned for the future of the human race. 

This is one powerful vaccine. It does all these things that I mentioned and yet, It doesn't do what all the other vaccines (shots) that I mentioned earlier were designed to do (and successfully achieved I might add) which is…..fight off Covid-flu  that you have an extremely high chance (97.5%) of recovery from. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️  We know the cases of under 15 are next to none.. Yet 12-18 year olds are going to be allowed (and no doubt forced by not being able to attend school-again this is blackmail) to take the vaccines.. Even though you still can pass it on... Or be a carrier.. 

Wake up already! It’s not about your health or the safety of others. It’s about control and money. Always was and always will be.

The mass psychosis or mass delusion that is going on right now is so unbelievably scary. 

ARE people waking up?

To be continued... There are so many different bits and pieces I want to add in but for now - I'll publish this and keep adding to it :) 


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