Wife of a bi man, my true liberation.

I've no doubt mentioned it to most probably everyone I've ever come across on the scene .You know the people that we actually get to know - and not just shag... Although let's be honest, with my constant verbal diarrhoea, there's probably a high chance I've already told you during a shag, or an orgy.. (Which if that's the case, you may want to skip past this post; wasting one's time reading something you already know is never a good thing but then again. I've always been able to better explain myself writing, as verbally was always quite difficult. (you can blame the dyspraxia and social stigma for that) Hehehehe.... But when I first started to watch porn - and use it to actually properly wank and not just laugh mindlessly at it, the whole thing was such a taboo thing at the time, that I had to constantly hide it. The shame would consume me at times, even though I knew deep, deep down - that there was possibly nothing to be ashamed about! I still felt ...