We are literally living through an important part of history - a freedom of speech war
My friend wrote this on her Facebook page.... (are not my own words) " Imagine the news still trying to belittle the only sensible humans out there. Maybe pay people enough to eat. Lower the extortionate rent prices. Lower taxes. DO SOMETHING ABOUT YOUR STARVING PEOPLE. I HOPE THE WHOLE COUNTRY STRIKES AND GOES TO A STANDSTILL. Who owns the majority percentage of the moderna vaccine...our prime minister. This IS a dystopia world and we are all fucked. That is all. Your governments basically robbing you, mentally assaulting you and making your life hard daily people. ** also as a side note quit trying to make the schools pay this. The government should be wiping their own arse at this point. I don't think politicians should be allowed all these assets when people are starving and schools are fitting the bill. You know that means LESS FACILITIES AND RESOURCES FOR OUR CHILDREN. Makes me angry. It really isn't about to get any better buddies " ...