We are literally living through an important part of history - a freedom of speech war


My friend wrote this on her Facebook page.... (are not my own words)

"Imagine the news still trying to belittle the only sensible humans out there.

Maybe pay people enough to eat. Lower the extortionate rent prices. Lower taxes.



Who owns the majority percentage of the moderna vaccine...our prime minister.

This IS a dystopia world and we are all fucked.

That is all. Your governments basically robbing you, mentally assaulting you and making your life hard daily people.

** also as a side note quit trying to make the schools pay this. The government should be wiping their own arse at this point. I don't think politicians should be allowed all these assets when people are starving and schools are fitting the bill. You know that means LESS FACILITIES AND RESOURCES FOR OUR CHILDREN.

Makes me angry.

It really isn't about to get any better buddies"

This is a direct quote of a friends Facebook page and although it is very emotionally charged, it is of course - factually true. She's not wrong though is she? The current societal system is on the verge of absolute collapse and although I'm very mindful that I should be concentrating on a piece of university work, I know deep, deep down that it needs to be discussed, it needs to be wrote about. Not enough people read this blog to even care, or do much reading at all, if I was to be just brutally honest. I see this disheartening video this morning, about 30 minutes ago; posted by this charity worker from shelter.

(For those who don't know, 'Shelter' is a charity who help those who are experiencing homelessness, or who are currently being threatened with it in the very near future.)

A woman, in her 50's who gives up her own valuable time to help support others is quite angry; she shows how angry she is with how her aged hands are shaking. The video, not even two minutes long goes on to deliver the message that yet again; the elderly are the ones being taken advantage off.

She says.....

I've just got off the phone to a landlord and I'm absolutely shaking with anger right now. One of the people that I'm currently supporting, a 68 year old man has come to me saying that he's received a letter, stating that his rent has just been increased by £738 pounds. He's been there 13 years and has always paid his rent on time and has always been a good tenant. That's just under a 100% increase. The landlord turned around and said to me, 'To be almost, I'm relieved he can't afford it, because now I can get an eviction notice organised for today."

This is just one story, a sad story about how landlords are being forced to sell up or increase the rent to meet the increase rates of their mortgages. Everyone online anyway, is certain its a greed war from landlords, but I truly believe that its just down to survival for too many people now. Well, of course the government are being greedy but there's so much divide happening at the moment, in the face of real civil unrest; its hard to believe what is or isn't the truth at this point. This story isn't an isolated one, and I'm sure there a million and one other stories out there, of how honest, hard working people who – of no fault of their own are being made to suffer, by the hands of a government who are purposely trying to destroy the current financial system, in order to pave the way for a band new one. It's beginning to become a joke, but not a funny one, one that makes you want to get the car and drive off a 300 foot Cliff.

When I recently drove past a local fire station, who had a 100 people group outside of it, with their signs, I beeped my horn to show my support; as every other car was doing so. This is the realty of many, many fire stations all up and down the country. My 11 year old boy was in the car with me at the time, asked me, who they were.

And I just told him.

“They are striking at the moment, its their only real way of protesting and letting the government know that they are not happy at the current moment, with their working conditions and pay.”

I could see his little brain trying to work stuff out.

“Like what the teachers are doing on Wednesday?” He replied. 

“Exactly mate, there's hundreds of professionals that are preparing for strikes, because what they get in their own pocket, after they pay tax – isn't proving enough for them to have a decent quality of life, and they all deserve it because the jobs they do are hard ones. Its not easy helping a women give birth to a child, and it sure isn't easy running into a burning house ; when everyone else is running outside of it. They most probably won't get to spend their retirement money one day, so they deserve to be able to eat today.

I honestly hope, with everything that I am; that I've raised my two boys with the mental strength and resilience to be able to cope with what this world decide to catapults at them. It was a very different world, when I first had them and its quite scary how quickly, the current societal system has gone to shit.

This is where, we need to start to focus our efforts, like that of France – where they are walking around having a massive BBQ with their signs. They are now like, many other countries starting to show that they are not happy with certain new policies...

I did a Tiktok video 2 days ago and decided to not publish it. I was about to do the school run in that moment, so I couldn't finish editing it at the time, but I've had time since then; I've just decided against it. The video consisted of me having a passionate rant. (As usual) I go on to say in it. That there are a lot of people who honestly believe that the UK Police are the only people who are somehow standing between the people and Revolution. But this is absolutely nonsense. Well no, what happens when they put down their arms? What exactly comes out of this? People have been completely molly cuddled, they are so used to being indulgently over protected. Of course people are not happy at the moment, Half a million people striked yesterday and protested in the streets of London. But what kind of new societal structure is going to be produced from this new, so called revolution? That's my main concern, is what is going to come from the flames as it were?

The police are not stupid and they also, not particularly happy with what is going on at the moment either. (Although they have nothing but bad press at the moment, like that of the fireman who were apparently taking photographs of dead women in car crashes, sending them to a what app groups.) Which is awful. Please don't be reading this post thinking I'm defending anyone who does these immoral things, cause I'm really not. It honestly triggers this dark, feminist rage within me when I think about these women who believe that in that moment, they are able to trust these authoritative people in uniform, when in reality, they can't.

But is there not a possible chance that these fireman were on the verge of loosing their own sanity, when on a particular day, they couldn't cut a woman out of the car in time, ultimately leading to their death... and in a mad spur of the moment; decided to turn to their dark sense of humour as momentary relief from the psychological pain? Maybe I'm down playing it here to make light of the situation, or maybe I'm just trying to critically analyse the situation of why these fireman did what they did? I'm not saying it was right, but what I am saying – is try and think about what the current MSM is telling you. And that goes with Social media too, because its funny that these stories tend to come out, when there is striking by the fireman, and when there was severe civil unrest by woman, feminist activists. The media are merely trying to stir the pot, and its truly becoming more and more apparent; that many are beginning to see it. Hope the others begin to see too.. 

Resilience to stress looks different for everyone. Trying to understand someone's own story is a million times harder than just judging it. And the Main stream Media know this and use it to their advantage – trust me on this. With the USA currently being threatened with the Tick Tock app being banned under completely false pretences... when is it realistically going to stop?

Police officers are not suppose to be raping and killing women and fireman are not suppose to be laughing about the knickers choices if women who have died in car crashes. But people need to realise that its not all of them that are doing these awful things, like its not all Social workers who are lying because they want to take your children. But it is some of them who are dishonest. It is only some of the police that we can't trust. It is only SOME of them.

It really is at times deceptively simple for the majority to just take everything that they expose their fragile little minds too as the 'whole picture'. That they don't need to try and think around what they are are seeing. Confirmation bias is a pretty savage part of the human mind, and people tend too (myself included, as no one can really escape the true power of our own subconscious- no matter how self aware we fool ourselves into believing that we are) cling to any piece of information that fits nicely with their current set of beliefs, their own personal narrative.

To be continued................


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