Secrets can be abused.

Let’s be completely real with y’all, we’ve always seen in-group bias on the scene. It’s not new and has always been around; like a lurking cloud raining droplets of shame from the main stream part of society over us - swingers or anyone who deems themselves as part of the many different alternative lifestyles. And I think me and Paul’s discourse at times can be, somewhat bias to people whom are outside the scene; especially when it comes to people in the main stream part of society wanting to remain purposefully ignorant - because it somehow ‘threatens their way of life’, or it could possibly infatuate their fragile little minds. Of course it can’t and no one’s minds are fragile or little.. well unless your a little (now that is a conversation for a whole other time) We do voice this, at times - very openly and colourfully, but only when it comes to people who are refusing to learn basic, foundation level information regarding ENM relationships. (aka eth...