
Showing posts from February, 2025

Ninja tactics

 The sun is just beautiful out there!  And when it's been gloomy and dark; with not let up whatsoever of the rain... it can be impossible to even be able to imagine the sun coming back out again. But it does and as certain as you can be that the sun will disappear again, you can be extra certain to know that it will always come back out again. This isn't just about the weather, it applies significantly to life too, through and through. And although it can feel blue, remember that sun sometimes shines from you, so keep being you and keep going.  I hate getting involved in other people's business, because from my own perspective - it can be somewhat difficult to be able to properly access any situation - if I wasn't experiencing it 1st hand. Character though cannot lie, regardless of what is going on.  But common sense dictates that if anyone presents as ninjaing something, be it money, reputation, a idea or even trust; consciously making a decision to steal something,...

Nothing left to bear - or is it just the Tate effect making an affect?!

          Like the story of the stupid millionaires who decided it was a good decision to head down to the darkest parts of the sea in a tin can; the current fad at the moment is the 'the bear or the man' question. Although the nature of the whole scenario could be deemed a fad by some of the male collective; but for a lot of woman - they are hoping it doesn't disappear as quickly as the submarine story or disappear as quickly as the submarine itself did! I mean in regards to quickness - you couldn't get any more instantaneous than a tin can imploding, now could you. You would blink and boom - it's happened, it's gone and everyone has appeared to have forgot about it. Even if they were all so obsessed with it making an appearance.. (see what I did there..)           Now I  know it sounds completely far out man and a little hippy - but what about we try and understand why the majority of the female collective, the divine fe...