Nothing left to bear - or is it just the Tate effect making an affect?!

        Like the story of the stupid millionaires who decided it was a good decision to head down to the darkest parts of the sea in a tin can; the current fad at the moment is the 'the bear or the man' question. Although the nature of the whole scenario could be deemed a fad by some of the male collective; but for a lot of woman - they are hoping it doesn't disappear as quickly as the submarine story or disappear as quickly as the submarine itself did! I mean in regards to quickness - you couldn't get any more instantaneous than a tin can imploding, now could you. You would blink and boom - it's happened, it's gone and everyone has appeared to have forgot about it. Even if they were all so obsessed with it making an appearance.. (see what I did there..) 

        Now I know it sounds completely far out man and a little hippy - but what about we try and understand why the majority of the female collective, the divine feminine, the entire womanhood are resulting to such an extreme analogy? Trying to empathise with woman everywhere to why so many are believing in the worse case Scenario -being the best case scenario?! The wild beast is still the better option to their survival? Could it be a mere conditioned response to the many fairy tails that were told to us as we fell asleep while growing up? Or could it be quite logically, that being hurt by a wild animal is straight away believable; whereas being sexually assaulted by a man isn't always that obvious? We all know that if a man or a woman was laying there, semi conscious - with half their leg chewed off and clear evidence of a bear being there - that, there would be zero doubt in anyone's minds. That the bear would probably be shot later or wouldn't turn up at the person's work, or home or more likely, the individual attacked wouldn't wanna go anywhere near the woods again. The thing is, the woods is society and there's no escaping it- not unless you actually move out into the woods; the absolute irony right?!  All of the recent stuff that has been circling on line lately would want you to believe that there is a gender war; men against woman but the statistics back out in the real world are clear. Woman are getting attacked now more than ever, and men are taking their own lives in the droves; what is happening and why?

         Is it about how animals were always our friend and never our foe (which is when our brain is at its most susceptible at learning stuff right?) Not only are we more likely to fold these views into the fabric of our beliefs but as children, our identity it's forming in real time too. So perceiving animals as these fury protectors is a natural psychological belief for woman everywhere - worldwide. Although I know this is deeper than that; deeper than a fairy - tale belief system and even deeper than the millionaires that went boom at the bottom of the sea. Although similarly to the non-existent sounds that take place at the bottom of the sea; men wanting to talk about what the bear in the woods scenario means, becomes without a doubt a date of pure taciturnity. It seems the men that get it, get it and the men that don't  - see it as this significant attack on the entire male collective. There really doesn't seem to be much of a middle ground here; which from a purely psychologically perspective; is very intriguing. The one's who can't get it - blow up and get angry; but the  ones who do become saddened that the other men are not getting it. 

(Although I can massively empathise with both genders here, I really can. Men are built, every day - on this foundation of superiority and stoicism; which for the best part; is the only way we can ensure young man develop self-confidence and to a degree, some aspects of  emotional intelligence.  But who is to blame? The mum's, or the education system? Is it the micro - aggressions that are constantly happening, in real time? From mates, co - workers, family members? Pop culture and social media? Or is it just a set of older, generational beliefs systems that manifest within behaviours? Cycles of behaviour that never get questioned or ever get seen at being problematic? 

There is either this conflict while having discourse surrounding the bear or man in the woods question that is being presenting to protect one's self; or pure empathy; meaning they just get it?  

It feels very much like a cognitive dissonance issue; which means that possibly, the way that men currently view the current system is too ingrained - generationally speaking; these belief's systems are subconsciously programmed within the very subconscious of the male collective. Meaning that when men were boys, their identity and sense of self were developing on a foundation of knowledge regarding the patriarchy; which would have a significant affect on not only their attributes, attitude's and their personality.  But it would also have a significant affect on how they see woman and how to navigate life along side woman in the world. As men are growing up, they are either made aware of this system and how it works; or not and don't understand the privilege they have just by being born a boy. 

No wonder why it's like some of them are waking up to this reality - like the matrix films; in fact a lot of people everywhere are waking up. Not just to their own internalised misogyny. But other belief's too, like racism and homophobia too. Culturally we are collectively beginning to understand all of these subconsciously, protected cognitive distortions. Which patterns inevitably arise deep within the subconscious mind. They can be based on past experiences, social environment, or information absorbed without conscious awareness.

    The list below are very much simple examples of how these subconscious distortions play a key role in how we interact with new information. Trying to get new information in when it's threatening to our very core identity prevents it from being learnt.  

  • All-or-Nothing Thinking / Polarized Thinking. ...
    • Overgeneralization. ...
    • Mental Filter. ...
    • Disqualifying the Positive. ...
    • Jumping to Conclusions – Mind Reading. ...
    • Jumping to Conclusions – Fortune Telling. ...
    • Magnification (Catastrophizing) or Minimization. 
    • Emotional Reasoning.


    regarding cognitive dissonance: none of us are free from this constantly ongoing  existential problem. I've been honestly trying for decades to over ride it but so far; attempts have been futile. As far as science is aware currently aware off; like in this very moment - as a collective, the scientific census is - being able to consciously switch it off - is just impossible.

    Plus if you if you are in the know when it comes into how the the arrow of time works, then apparently we're completely fucked in trying to be able to consciously switch it off. When your really offended in a conversation and get really uncomfortable with the information that your being presented with and then right afterwards you notice - just how irrational you was. Then you have a sudden need to apologise, that's cognitive dissonance for ya. 

    I often get accused (only online, mind you) that I don't understand this type of cognitive distortion/ phenomena properly but truth be told, I see it in a very mechanical way. Because for me, it's a defence mechanism; which triggers without our conscious awareness - like a protective shield to protect one's belief systems. How I understand a defence mechanism is quite simply a mental process which initiates on an unconscious  level to help prevent conflict or anxiety or more importantly, psychological trauma. It's a tool to temporarily detach or dissociate from what ever it is that an individual is experiencing at that very moment.   

    The meaning of cognitive dissonance


    The first 15 minutes of the following YouTube video will explain further how I currently understand cognitive dissonance, but it's a very complex video - so you may need to watch it a few times to try and digest it properly. And please don't allow the title to put you off - it's purely science - not religion.


    I am writing a longer blog post on this because it's such a needed conversation to have. I will continue to keep adding onto this or start a new one, not sure which - just yet :)  Not only for the woman who need to vent but those amazing men who straight away understand why those who are close to them are choosing the bear; but more importantly the men who are so triggered; their own cognitive dissonance won't even allow them to try and understand why. Regardless of how rational or logical the argument is that they're being presented with; the level of internalised misogyny will do anything to protect it's existence (the belief itself.) 


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