Introduction to swinging

Although I've been swinging for 12 years, still to this day, the sheer excitement the swinging life produces is still so raw and beautiful. From arranging the meet to enjoying it in the moment, the excitement and buzz I get from the chasing (arranging the meets) and the sex, it never goes away. I am on the scene now as part of a couple. Paul is that other half, that final missing puzzle peace and although there has been somewhat ups and downs regarding boundaries and at times jealousy. I need to continuously remain mindful of the fact that we are in love and we're both only human. Although they may not feel nice at times, even the negative ones have a purpose. (And at times are even more important as the positive ones to ensuring our survival as a species) 

me and Paul :) 

The adrenaline which propels those butterflies in my stomach while I'm on the way to a meet still happens. And even if its a 1-1, or a 3way, a 4way or a club/party scenario, you can bet 100% that the experience will be that of a different one. 

Every first message, every reply, every time you actually meet the new person, every first glance, every first kiss, every pocket of time of pure sexual chemistry, every new touch, kissing of the neck, biting of the ear, the first time their hard and throbbing cock slides in, every goodbye you don’t wanna say...and that’s just meeting someone new. Having a 4way is even hotter! 

I think that's why I've always loved the swinging scene. Every experience is going to be completely different from the previous one. I mean you do get your fair share of bad meets with what us on the scene would call 'time wasters', a close fuck Buddy of mine would call them a 'fanist'. This is where they message trying to arrange a meet (40% of these are most probably masturbating while messaging), then they don't show up, or send you to a hoax address. And sometimes they're not actual time wasters, (although they have technically wasted your time), but it was merely the chemistry wasn't there. 

There has got to be logically some of chemical imbalance within the Brain to produce energy levels to rise, otherwise the sex is just numb. (I've personally always been able to say 'nope this isn't working for me' or 'I'm Not really feeling it' before any clothes have hit the floor) So this negative (and few in between) side to swinging has never put me off it, because in my time i reckon 85% of the meets I've embarked on have developed into amazing sex. And everyone has such different kinks and fantasy's, its an awesome community to be apart of. There's this awesome positive unconscious blackmale within the community, no one's going to tell anyone about you, because they don't want anything said about them. 

Research has proven that sex with the same person at around the 2 year mark becomes boring (the chemicals in the brain begin to act Rather differently...That one chemical Oxytocin that caused you to become bonded to that special person in the first place begins to have the exact opposite effect; (by taking the complete piss) and begins to kick the feel good chemicals (seriotion and dopamine) out of your brain. That's why i truly believe that people who swing are so much more likely to stay together, because they are enriching their life experiences together, (and causing the correct levels of chemicals at the right time to be released)

research that backs up my opinion :-)

Logically who only likes one flavour of ice cream? Or just one outfit? Life experience and self awareness comes from social interactions, and being at peace while naked with others is a lifestyle that although is within a well hidden community; its one that's defiantly growing. And if your like the many others out there who prefer (unlike me) to keep this life-style a complete secret but still enjoy it, keep reading; hope you like my stories. 

Some of them are pure fantasy, while the rest are real experiences.

So the majority of the stories you find on this blog are mainly from being on the scene within the couple dynamic, but some may (very occasionally) pop up from when I was a unicorn. Because it was a good 10 years of my life on the scene, I have maintained that different angle on Swinging too :) 

This is me....charlotte-the sexual ninja....on sex and swinging...enjoy :) 


  1. Nice one Charlotte! Just found u and giving the blog a try! Keep it up sounds good

  2. Nice one Charlotte! Just found u and giving the blog a try! Keep it up sounds good

  3. Nice one Charlotte! Just found u and giving the blog a try! Keep it up sounds good

  4. Hi Charlotte sent you a message all be it was long lol that’s just me !!!

  5. Fabulous. I will follow now.
    Love Spicy x

  6. What a thoroughly enjoyable read. My wife and I have been swingers now for over twenty years but reading your description of that first new meet, the nervousness, adrenaline, excitement and then the sexual release of all those feelings couldn’t be truer! Phil x

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