
Ninja tactics

 The sun is just beautiful out there!  And when it's been gloomy and dark; with not let up whatsoever of the rain... it can be impossible to even be able to imagine the sun coming back out again. But it does and as certain as you can be that the sun will disappear again, you can be extra certain to know that it will always come back out again. This isn't just about the weather, it applies significantly to life too, through and through. And although it can feel blue, remember that sun sometimes shines from you, so keep being you and keep going.  I hate getting involved in other people's business, because from my own perspective - it can be somewhat difficult to be able to properly access any situation - if I wasn't experiencing it 1st hand. Character though cannot lie, regardless of what is going on.  But common sense dictates that if anyone presents as ninjaing something, be it money, reputation, a idea or even trust; consciously making a decision to steal something,...

Nothing left to bear - or is it just the Tate effect making an affect?!

          Like the story of the stupid millionaires who decided it was a good decision to head down to the darkest parts of the sea in a tin can; the current fad at the moment is the 'the bear or the man' question. Although the nature of the whole scenario could be deemed a fad by some of the male collective; but for a lot of woman - they are hoping it doesn't disappear as quickly as the submarine story or disappear as quickly as the submarine itself did! I mean in regards to quickness - you couldn't get any more instantaneous than a tin can imploding, now could you. You would blink and boom - it's happened, it's gone and everyone has appeared to have forgot about it. Even if they were all so obsessed with it making an appearance.. (see what I did there..)           Now I  know it sounds completely far out man and a little hippy - but what about we try and understand why the majority of the female collective, the divine fe...

Secrets can be abused.

Let’s be completely real with y’all, we’ve always seen in-group bias on the scene.     It’s not new and has always been around; like a lurking cloud raining droplets of shame from the main stream part of society over us - swingers or anyone who deems themselves as part of the many different alternative lifestyles.  And I think me and Paul’s discourse at times can be, somewhat bias to people whom are outside the scene; especially when it comes to people in the main stream part of society wanting to remain purposefully ignorant - because it somehow ‘threatens their way of life’, or it could possibly infatuate their fragile little minds. Of course it can’t and no one’s minds are fragile or little.. well unless your a little (now that is a conversation for a whole other time)   We do voice this, at times - very openly and colourfully, but only when it comes to people who are refusing to learn basic, foundation level information regarding ENM relationships.  (aka eth...

Award time?!

  Until it actually happens to yourself - you probably wouldn't get it but there really isn't any actual need to win; just by looking at the amazing peeps that are in our category--- we've already won!!!!  But just in case - you've been reading my blood the last 4 years, wondering why on earth there isn't 4 blogs finished yet; and you would like to vote for us.  Then voting goes live tomorrow!!! Vote link is below And next year - this very blog could be up for a nomination or something even bigger! 

Escape the purely crazy Vanilla world and Entice yourself into our part of it. (Xtasia)

                                                               While the world may be feeling like it’s falling into an authoritarianism dystopia - where peaceful protest and free speech is being labelled as a terrorist acts; in our part of the world - our community is becoming bigger and even stronger every day .                                            Come and have a read & anonymously dive                                             into the world of kink & s...

Dynamic tension, can't weight - Part one

    The gym had always been empty upon her arrival. The way it presented to her - as this prefound space, clear - yet spooky, that's what was always best about it. It almost cradled her, like the smell of old sweat bubbled her from clean outside world. And the constant need to be on call, yet the irony of that almost false belief system would make her smile most days.  “How dare you don’t. You know I’m aware of what you’re doing right? !” She assertively exclaimed, as she claimed the set of weights that were, at this point the only thing between them.  'Good, I want you to know what I’m doing. Or it wouldn’t be a way of getting the point across now would it ?” He smiled, letting off a very short lived giggle.  “Well we’re not in school. You know you can just come up to me and tell me. You haven’t got a try to follow me round the entire gym trying to wind me up by getting on any equipment you know I’ve sized up beforehand”. He didn’t reply to her statement, he ju...

We are literally living through an important part of history - a freedom of speech war

  My friend wrote this on her Facebook page.... (are not my own words) " Imagine the news still trying to belittle the only sensible humans out there. Maybe pay people enough to eat. Lower the extortionate rent prices. Lower taxes. DO SOMETHING ABOUT YOUR STARVING PEOPLE. I HOPE THE WHOLE COUNTRY STRIKES AND GOES TO A STANDSTILL. Who owns the majority percentage of the moderna vaccine...our prime minister. This IS a dystopia world and we are all fucked. That is all. Your governments basically robbing you, mentally assaulting you and making your life hard daily people. ** also as a side note quit trying to make the schools pay this. The government should be wiping their own arse at this point. I don't  think politicians should be allowed all these assets when people are starving and schools are fitting the bill. You know that means LESS FACILITIES AND RESOURCES FOR OUR CHILDREN. Makes me angry. It really isn't about to get any better buddies " ...