Women's rights are human rights-


The sad thing about it, is it’s eventually going to effect gay marriage, access to contraceptives and even interactional marriage. It really does like we've been somehow teleported back to the 1950's the space of a couple of days. I honestly am struggling to even try and comprehend why now, why after everything with covid and the war with Russia. (Which of course is only really getting started-let’s be honest here.) And I could have sworn it was only in the news a month ago that good old Biden was going to make the morning after pill available? Ah that whole delusional crumb of hope hey. 

I think that maybe Covid was just a way they could pull the wool over peoples eyes. Did that how situation just merely show the true power of the 'state?'.


                    I think it was actually the complete opposite, it was done to fool people into believing that the state (the government) actually wants to protect them, to look after them. In way it could have even got more people to depend upon them. Then there is a cultural shift of people needing the state, needing the government to survive. They become conditioned by this 'safety'. Then because people have less control over their own money and effectively their lives, they become for fearful-they become more scared. Them they begin to become more stressed and we all know what happens to the brain when its in a state of stress – it comes easier to control. The person becomes much easier to control. 

        From a purely psychological perspective, this situation with the women's rights following the whole coved show has been executed perfectly. Get the people of the world to give up their basic human rights by effectively brainwashing them continuously for the best part of 18 months. Brainwashing in the way of the messages coming in left right and centre within the MSM and SM too. It was - again implemented so quickly. Every other advert on the radio, posters everywhere, the continuous fear, fear, fear- just everywhere. For a good few months it was everywhere. Again from a purely behavioural Psychological perspective, it was like one massive conditioning experiment. The constant positive and negative reinforcement was so obvious, I would very frequently post about it online and laugh about to Paul. To the general public, whom have no previous knowledge about conditioning or behavioural psychology were (and still are) completely oblivious to it.

The five monkey experiment is a pretty simple way of understanding it. 


            I would often be in the supermarket and just look around and study people. You could feel the fear within them, as they nervously followed the big sticker arrows on the floor. Being so afraid to get close to people. I mean yes we were in a pandemic, but surely I wasn't the only one 8 weeks into it back in 2020 thinking....'Its not going to be that bad'.

        Then people begun to get more and more conditioned to fear cash, over fears Covid could live on it. What an awesomely, fantastic way to ensuring more and more business's withdraw from using cash. But the whole cashless society stance (as surely its no longer a conspiracy if its really starting to happen?)

        I mean lets not forget that the legal definition of blackmail became completely subjective for a year. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the true meaning of conspiracy became subjective too.

                                        WOMANS RIGHTS ARE HUMAN RIGHTS.

It's almost as if society is starting to push the narrative that women shouldn't have rights- again.


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